Hello, 2017!

Happy New Year guys!!! Sooooo, yep it has been a looong time, since I've posted something and again I'm sorry. But it's 2017, that means a new year has started and like everyone else, I as well have some new resolutions, just like a lot of other people.
One of them is, of course, to start blogging more, like maybe once or twice a week. I think that's a good start. But I also want to tell you about one of my other resolutions and that is: journalising (I think that's the right word). Basically I've always loved to write in my diary or to look at pictures of other people's journals, so I've decided to create one myself. I started journalising, a little bit, already last year, but really often it happened, that I just forgot to do so. So 2017 is the start of my new journal. It's really easy - I answer a question or do something different everyday and write it down. I found a list of Journal Prompts, that you can check I out, if you want to. I think jounalising and/or writing in your diary is very important because in a couple months or years, you can look back on it and just have a nice little throwback. I'm going to be posting the prompts for each month every month on this blog, so if you want to do it as well, I hope those will help.(Btw I don't own those pictures, the rights go back to their owner Hello Neverland). Those Journal Prompts are for 2016, but I couldn't really find any for 2017, but if you know any please send them to me.

Oh and something also VERY important: Ed Sheeran released some new songs and they are INCREDIBLE. Honestly he is such a good musician and a very big inspiration. If you haven't already listened to them, please give him some of your time and just listen to his amazing voice.

Shape Of You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dK2tDK9grQ
Castle On The Hill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qp5vcuMIlk

And please let me know what you think of my blog, because I don't know if people just click on it, or if some of you actually read it and are interested or something like that.
Anyways let's hope 2017 will be a lot better then 2016 because that year was just full of crap.

Bye guys, love you!!


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